Monday, April 13, 2009

We Got Tickets to Fly

We have SOME of our tickets to fly but we're still finalizing our return flight from Almaty to Frankfurt, then Frankfurt to Toronto. The main thing is, we leave KO on Wednesday afternoon! We probably won't have too much time in Almaty, but at this rate, if it means getting back home (and to our own bed) sooner-who cares?!

Ryan is all over the place. Crawling, cruising, dancing, climbing on the furniture. We noticed he's heavier to pick up now too. He's such a great baby, always laughing & doing silly things. He has moments though too. For example when he's sees Mama, he lifts up his arms to be picked up & fusses until I do. I don't mind. For Dada, he starts getting hyper so they can have some wild playtime.
We'll try to post one more time but I think the way dial-up Internet service is here, these photos will be the last ones we'll upload. Who has 20 minutes to post pictures???


Stacey, Dave and Rylan said...

The journey home begins! Are you packed yet?
If you thought you were thrilled with Court and Gotcha Day, just wait until you experience getting on that plane in Almaty, headed for home!
Have a safe trip back - we can't wait to meet Ryan once you're all settled at home.

Stacey, Dave and Rylan

Jo said...

FINALLY after having lived there for such a long time. I hope the last days go quicky and you are all on the plane home very soon. Wishing you a safe journey home. I can only imagine how excited you must be to return to your own surroundings. Congratulations... you did it and I'm so happy you have a beautiful son to cherish forever.

Irene said...

How wonderful! I wish you a very safe and fast trip home. Looking forward to getting together once you're all settled. I'm sure it will be a wirl-wind of family and friends all excited to see you nd meet your beautiful son.