Thursday, April 9, 2009

Homeward Bound (almost)

Thank goodness, Lyle & I are finally getting the hang of this diaper thing. I don't know what we were so worried about. Piece of cake!
We have some exciting passport news. Yes, that would be Ryan's passport and yes it arrived today. So...this means we'll be home in just over a week's time, with all of the "stamping" & processing that still needs to happen. We'll leave KO & spend a couple of days in Almaty first, before starting the journey back. We figured we might as well see something new & exciting while we're still on the other side of the world.
Yesterday, the 3 of us spent the most of the afternoon & into the evening at Mike & Liesa's home (our American friends). Ryan ate spaghetti & meatballs for the first time & loved it. He asked for seconds, and his dad did too, as a matter of fact.
Still to come on our blog: Something that demonstrates we had a little too much time on our hands, before Ryan. Stay tuned...


Irene said...

sheesh I hope that's a clean diaper..haha

Stacey, Dave and Rylan said...

Diapers on the head today, underwear on the head tomorrow - that's so funny. Just wait Darcy, until he wears your bra on his head like a pair of Mickey Mouse ears!
We're so excited you're starting the journey home!!

Jo said...

Great news on Ryan's passport. I'm curious as to know about what's to follow on the next blog.