Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy New Year to You

We took these photos at the New Year's festivities near the local stadium. We almost didn't make it to the celebration, as several people told us it was happening in the town square, near the courthouse. As luck would have it, during our run this morning, we saw a huge festival happening, complete with entertainment, and it was nowhere near the town square.

After lunch we headed back to the stadium area, about a 30 minute walk away & saw hundreds of people heading towards us. Oh great, it looked liked we missed the whole darn thing. Well, kinda-sorta. The entertainment part was over (singers & dancers), but there were still displays, food & drink stations and a collection of Yurts (tents or huts). If only we'd stopped there during our run... Anyways, we made the best of it & took some nice pictures.
We had a pizza & movie night yesterday with our friends and even scored some popcorn at the Old Market. It was sadly, more of a carmel corn, but it went well with the movie just the same.
Ryan was lots of fun today and even uttered "Dada Da". He was of course, looking away from Lyle when he said it. We take what we can get.


Jo said...

Nice photos. I'm glad you caught the tail end of the celebrations. I wanted popcorn so bad but they sold sugar flavored popcorn unless you buy the microwavable type. The appeal must be almost over I believe.

Jo said...

Hey... you missed Monday's blog! I hope you're going to announce us some good news. Since I decided to comment everyday I'll be true to my personal promise... thinking of you!