Friday, February 13, 2009

What we've all been waiting for

First off, we're safe & sound & in one piece. Step one of this journey is now behind us. Everything went smoothly and we were able to make it to our final destination a day earlier than we predicted. So now we're in Kyzylorda and this is home for the next 8 weeks or so.

Get ready:  IT'S A BOY!!!!

We can't tell ya too much right now. He's healthy and owns some chubby cheeks. We've just finished Day 2 of the 15 day bonding period and already he seems comfortable with us. Day 1, not so much! We've decided to name him Ryan and he is 18 months old.   Now, please keep in mind we still have lots of steps ahead of us and it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.  So, we don't want to jump the gun.  The main thing is he's a healthy baby and we're going through the full process. It's still weeks away before we'll be granted custody so we're in "unofficial mode" for the time being.


qmiller said...

Congratulations on safely arriving and meeting a chubby cheeked toddler! Looking forward to reading your updates.

Marla Levene said...

We are so excited for all the good news. It is so nice to hear that you arrived safe and sound and that you met your chubby cheeked little man! We are thinking of you lots!
Marla, Adam, Ethan and Annie

Jenn (JennJustJenn on Ravelry) said...


Have been thinking of you non-stop and am thrilled to hear your news. (You're bookmarked on home and work computers and I've been checking really often!)

Keeping everything I can crossed that everything goes smoothly.

xo (and two for Ryan xo)

Unknown said...

Hooray - what great news. You must be so excited.

Enjoy your bonding time and your exotic adventures.

Amara & Christian
ps - no arrivals on our end yet

Stacey, Dave and Rylan said...

We are so thrilled for you!
Rylan can't wait to meet his soon to be buddy from Kaz.
We're glad the process is moving along so quickly for you already. We hope things continue to fall into place in record speed.

Stacey, Dave and Rylan

Lisa B said...

Wow!! Yeah!! Congrats!! insert any other happy word and we mean that too!! So excited to hear you arrived safely and have met Ryan! What a week. Have been checking faithfully. All fingers and toes are crossed the adventure is a smooth one.

Lisa Grant and Mitchell

Unknown said...

We're back from Mexico and so excited to hear your news! Ryan will have a BFF in Sam for sure. Congaratulations- we are so happy for you!

Aviva Greg and Sam